FlexiDrive from Car Lease and Go is the flexible and easy way to drive a brand new car, even if you have poor credit.
FlexiDrive also has a number of additional benefits for individuals and businesses. Get a brand new car every 6 or 12 months with no new large initial payment when you roll over into your new FlexiDrive vehicle. You can also have your car delivered in less than 7 days!
Although FlexiDrive is not Guaranteed Acceptance, we do not carry out a credit check on personal applicants. FlexiDrive is also available for a business. Whether your business is long established or you have only recently started trading, no accounts needed, FlexiDrive could be for you. We have a wide range of vehicles including SUV’s, Hatchbacks and Hot-Hatches.
With Delivery in as little as 7 days, call now to secure your new car on 0151 433 2818.